Glossary Alternative Medicine / Term

Colonic Therapy

Colonic irrigation's are a method therapy of bowel cleansing. Colonic cleanliness is of tremendous importance to general health. When the colon becomes polluted with stagnating waste and its tissue becomes damaged by abrasions and infective ulceration's, the end products of poor digestion, lowered metabolism and putrefactive fermentation waste find easy entrance into the blood, lymph and other body fluids. It is an indisputable fact that not only illness and old age, but even death are due to the accumulation of waste products of body chemistry and, on the other hand, to the inability of the body to replenish its cellular structures and organs with fresh vital nutrients. Therefore, immunity and freedom from disease can be had and old age and death can be deferred only as long as body wastes are kept at a minimum and fresh, vital material of the first order is supplied for growth and repair of the body. Colonic irrigation are a proven and safe method for cleansing the bowel.

Permanent link Colonic Therapy - Creation date 2020-03-01

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