Glossary Logistics / Term

Cumulative Source/Make Cycle Time

The cumulative internal and external lead time to manufacture shippable product, assuming that there is no inventory on-hand, no materials or parts on order, and no prior forecasts existing with suppliers. (An element of Total Supply Chain Response Time).

Calculation: The critical path along the following elements: Total Sourcing Lead Time, Manufacturing Order Release to Start Manufacturing, To tal Manufacture Cycle Time (Make-to-Order, Engineer-to-Order, Configure/Package-to-Order) or Manufacture Cycle Time (Make-to-Stock), Complete Manufacture to Ship Time.

Note: Determined separately for Make-to-Order, Configure/Package-to-Order, Engineer-to-Order, and Make-to-Stock products.

Permanent link Cumulative Source/Make Cycle Time - Creation date 2021-12-06

< Cumulative Lead Time Glossary / Logistics Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) >