Glossary Multimedia / Term

Boundary Effects

Reverberations and sound irregularities caused by sound waves bouncing off hard surfaces, namely walls, floors and ceilings. Boundary effects can cause problems with audio playback as the sound waves bounce around a room creating distortions in the original, intended audio signal. ll spaces are subject to boundary effects with the exception of anechoic chambers, which are designed specifically to eliminate room interactions with the sound. Generally, boundary effects at the primary listening position should be minimized with proper speaker placement and potentially with equalization or room modifications. hink of a stream of water falling from a hose. With no driveway to fall on the water simply flows normally (the driveway being a boundary). However, when the driveway is present, there is a boundary effect as the water hits the hard surface and splashes back up and in various directions. Sound waves perform similarly as they hit boundaries such as walls and ceilings, spraying back into the room.

Permanent link Boundary Effects - Creation date 2021-01-07

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