Glossary Multimedia / Term


Setting up or otherwise getting ready a piece of electronic equipment; primarily used in regard to calibrating or properly adjusting video displays and audio equalizers. Calibration is achieved by feeding the equipment to be set-up some form of standard test material with a known correct level. The equipment can then be adjusted to comply with or closely approach the known level. alibrating a television, for example, entails adjusting color, brightness, white level and other factors by using test screens. Audio equipment is calibrated primarily using pure test tones of known frequencies and flatness measured with audio spectrum analyzers and SPL meters. These devices when combined allow the user to determine where there are anomalies in the sound and calibrate or adjust the equipment to compensate. Calibration can be thought of as tuning up your car to help it achieve its maximum performance level.

Permanent link Calibration - Creation date 2021-01-07

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