Glossary Multimedia / Term

CAV (Constant Angular Velocity)

Laserdisc format in which the disc spins at a constant, unchanging number of revolutions per second resulting in less information being held compared to a CLV disc (30 minutes per side versus 60 minutes per side) but allowing the use of special features such as stop motion and slow motion. A CAV disc holds less information because of its constant number of revolutions per second. Since the disc data tracks or lines of data get larger as they move farther toward the disc edges, less information can be held if the disc rotates at the same speed. hink about a racetrack where the outer car travels a farther distance than the inner car over the length of the track with the inner lane being the shortest path around. If the outer car goes the exact same speed, it will cover less ground and lose the race. In a similar fashion, with the disc turning at a constant speed, the outer data track loses space for data; the data tracks are not optimized. owever, since the disc always travels at the same speed, it makes it easy to switch between individual scenes or do other special effects. If the disc is travelling at different speeds, which optimizes the disc for the most information carrying capability, you cannot go through scenes in slow motion or step from scene to scene because each progressive scene is moving at a different speed on the disc. This is similar to the fact that you can’t jump back and forth between two cars going different speeds, but you could (if you were a stuntman) if the cars were travelling at the same speed. CAV discs thus offer a compromise, less data handling versus more flexibility with the data.

Permanent link CAV (Constant Angular Velocity) - Creation date 2021-01-07

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