Glossary Multimedia / Term


Sudden, sharp signal increase often referring to a sudden increase in sound volume or power. An example of a transient would be an explosion or a loud gun shot. The sound appears very quickly at a greatly elevated level but then goes away quickly also. or a system to properly reproduce transients at a high volume level, the amplifiers must have strong power supplies and good headroom (the ability to increase their power output for a short period of time to reproduce sudden, powerful signals). If the amplifier is not up to the task, it will clip and cause audible distortion. Such distortion may damage speakers. For this reason it is important to have amplifiers with enough power to reproduce transients at reasonable listening levels without clipping or distorting. he speakers must also be able to reproduce the signals properly given the correct amplifier input meaning the speakers must be “fast” with good control over the individual drivers. Transients are sonically exciting and engaging, but they are also often hard on a sound system so volume levels should be set carefully to reduce clipping and distortion.

Permanent link Transient - Creation date 2021-01-07

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