Glossary Satellite TV / Term

Ferrite Polarizer

A ferrite polarizer is a solid-state device with no moving parts. The sense of linear polarity is selected by use of a magnetic field produced by a ferrite rod held in the center of a circular waveguide by a plastic dielectric support. The current passing through a large coil wound around the outside of the waveguide produces a magnetic field whose orientation depends upon the direction of the flow of charges. The polarity of the detected signal, in turn, depends upon the orientation of the magnetic polarizers have no moving parts and are thus not subject to the problems that affect their mechanical counterparts. As a result, these are preferable to mechanical devices for systems installed in very cold climates where probes can seize up due to condensation and freezing of water. Ferrite feeds typically have insertion losses of about 0.3 dB. Satellite receivers that operate with this type of polarizer often have some degree of built-in fine skew adjustment that allows the device to line up with the plane of signal polarity since the polarity plane can vary with satellite/receive site longitude differences and can be affected by atmospheric conditions like rain.

Permanent link Ferrite Polarizer - Modification date 2020-01-06 - Creation date 2020-01-06

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