Glossary Technical Theatre / Term


(lighting, sound-effect, tubular-wave-ripple, fx, gobo-rotator, animation-disc) Animation Disc: A slotted or perforated metal disc which rotates in front of a lantern to provide "movement" in the light. Most effective when used in front of a profile carrying a gobo. Effect Disc: A painted glass disc rotating in front of an effects projector with an objective lens to focus the image (eg Flames, Rain, Snow). Flicker Flame: Irregularly slotted rotating metal disc through which light is shone onto a prism-type piece of glass which scatters the beam of light and adds the "dancing" effect of firelight to a scene. Gobo Rotators: Motorised device inserted into the gate of a profile lantern that can be remotely controlled to rotate a gobo, usually with variable speed and direction. KK Wheel: Slotted metal disc which rotates in front of a lantern to break up the light and provide movement. (Flicker Wheel) Lightning: Created through the use of either strobe sources or photoflood lamps. Tubular Wave Ripple: Horizontal linear lamp around which a slotted cylinder is rotated providing a rising light (as reflected from water onto the side of a ship). See also Effects,Sound, pyrotechnics, smoke.

Permanent link Effects - Creation date 2020-05-31

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