Glossary Gnosticism / Term


Meaning clothing, but in Gnostic terms can mean the flesh covering the body. Sometimes used in various references to wearing the soul or the idea of social position as a philosophical covering. From the Un-named text in the Bruce Codex: "This is Man, begotten of mind (nous) ", to whom thought gave form. It is thou who hast given all things to Man. And he has worn them like garment". "Chelkeach, who is my garment, who has come from the Astonishment, who was in the cloud of the Hymen which appeared, as a trimorphic cloud. Ane Chelkea is my garment which has two forms, he who was in the cloud of Silence. And Chelke is my garment which was given hem from every region; it was given him in a single form from the greatness, he who was in the cloud of the middle region and the star of the Light which surpassed the thought and teh tetimony of those who bear witness". ("The Paraphrase of Shem".)

Permanent link Garment - Creation date 2022-03-06

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