Glossary Multimedia / Term


The relative loudness or power of an audio signal resulting from the amplitude of a sound wave. Higher amplitudes result in sound waves with more power. mplitude is the distance from a sound wave’s zero or midpoint to its highest point or peak. From sea level, a ripple on a pond would have a low amplitude while a tidal wave would have a very large amplitude. The tidal wave, with its large amplitude, is very powerful. Similarly, sound waves with higher amplitudes carry more acoustic power resulting in higher volumes. olume is measured in decibels. A three decibel (dB) change in sound pressure or volume is perceptible to human hearing. A 10 dB change in volume is a doubling of sound pressure level, thus adjusting the volume by 10 dB results in a perceived doubling of volume.

Permanent link Volume - Creation date 2021-01-07

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