Glossar Abkürzungen / Thema


[1] Fast Auroral SnapshoT explorer {Astronomie}

[2] Fast Automatic Shuttle Transfer {Weltraumfahrt}

[3] Facility for Automatic Sorting and Testing

[4] Flexible Algebraic Scientific Translator (NCR) (->"IEEE Standard Dictionary")

[5] Federatione delle Associazioni Scientifiche e Tecniche, Mailand, Italien (Veranstalter der HPCN 1995)

[6] Fast Assessment of Space Technology - Softwaresystem zur Raumfahrtmissionsberechnung (DLR) {Weltraumfahrt}

[7] Frame-relay Adaptive Switching Transport

[8] Fist Application System Test

[9] ICAO - Airportcode f. Somerset East (South Africa)

Permanenter Link FAST - Erstellungsdatum 2021-01-20

< FASST Glossar / Abkürzungen FAST/WIDE-SCSI >