Glossary Dance / Term


The manner and quality in which the body returns to earth following an action of elevation such as a leap, hop, or jump.

levels: the vertical distance from the floor. Movements take place on three levels: high, middle, and low or deep level.

locomotor movements: movements that travel from one location to another. Examples include

  • walk: steps from one foot to the other, with the weight being transferred from heel to toe.
  • run: steps from one foot to another performed at a relatively fast tempo.
  • hop: a movement whereby the body is propelled through space by springing from one foot and landing on the same foot.
  • jump: a movement whereby the body is propelled through space by springing from two feet and landing on two feet.
  • leap: a movement whereby the body is propelled through space by springing from one foot and landing on the other foot.
  • gallop: a sliding step whereby the body is propelled through space in an uneven rhythm, so the same foot is always leading.
  • skip: a step and a hop, alternating feet.

Permanent link Landing - Creation date 2021-11-06

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