Glossary EverQuest / Term


(P.n.) Ambassador DVinn, a Dark Elf NPC residing in Crushbone. Usually responsible for trainwrecks near the entrance from Greater Faydark. Fast, tough and very aggressive.

A hushed whisper on the lips of fearful nubs, a flash in the shadows, a dirk in your back, a trail of naked player corpses miles long leads to this elf. The legend, the notorious, the incarnation of utter despair, the destroyer of hope, and dealer of relentless, remorseless and overwhelming terror, Ambassador DVinn.

The Emissary of the Dark Elves does a fair deal more damage than his level would indicate.

Hits hard (40's) and hits often. Doesn't miss much and strikes fast. Spawns in the tower attached to Castle Crush. His placeholder is always "orc pawn" which spawns facing out the window.

Permanent link DVinn - Modification date 2020-10-24 - Creation date 2020-05-30

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