Glossary Gnosticism / Term


These are the emanations from Bythos. The word not only refers to the "worlds" of emanation, but to the personalities as well. Sophia, Logos, and the other high principles are aeons. So the Prime Source is not anthropomorphic but as it spills forth into the field of time it becomes more recognizable, at least in a mythological fashion.

These are characterized as emanations from the "first cause", the Father in some Gnostic schema. The word not only refers to the "worlds" of emanation, but to the personalities as well. Sophia, Logos, Barbelo, Eleleth, and the other high principles are aeons. "A link or level of the great chain of being, the sum total which is the "All" or Pleroma...Can also mean a world age". (See Gaffney) "According to other Gnostics, for example Valentinus, the first principle is also called Aeon or the unfathomable, the primeval depth, the absolute abyss, bythos, in which everything is sublimated.".. translated by Scott J. Thompson from G.W.F. Hegel"s "Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie ii ", (Theorie Werkausgabe, Bd. 19), Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp Verlag, 1977, 426-430] (See also; Pleroma.) The first ten aeons in the Valentinian schema are, Bythios (Profound) and Mixis (Mixture), Ageratos (Never old) and Henosis (Union), Autophyes (Essential nature) and Hedone (Pleasure), Acinetos (Immoveable) and Syncrasis (Commixture,) Monogenes (Only-begotten) and Macaria (Happiness).

Permanent link Aeon - Modification date 2024-04-07 - Creation date 2020-05-23

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