Glossary Gnosticism / Term


A set or unit of ten related things. A term used by Clement of Alexandria"...And the Decalogue, viewed as an image of heaven, embraces sun and moon, stars, clouds, light, wind, water, air, darkness, fire. This is the physical Decalogue of the heaven. And the representation of the earth contains men, cattle, reptiles, wild beasts; and of the inhabitants of the water, fishes and whales; and again, of the winged tribes, those that are carnivorous, and those that rise mild food; and of plantslikewise, both fruit-bearing and barren. This is the physical Decalogue of the earth. And there is a ten in man himself: the five senses, and the power of speech, and that of reproduction; and the eighth is the spiritual principle communicated at his creation; and the ninth the ruling faculty of the soul; and tenth, there is the distinctive characteristic of the Holy Spirit, which comes to him through faith. " See also Decalogue by Philo;

Permanent link Decalogue - Creation date 2022-03-06

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