Glossary Gnosticism / Term


The heaven of fixed stars and planets.

This is the "eighth" kingdom above the hebdomas (7). It is the realm of the Demiurgos (or sometimes that is the 7th, with the eighth being that of Sabaoth), as well as usually being the realm of the zodiac (dodecon). Sometimes it is also seen as the beginning of freedom from the Archons, and the beginning of connection to the Aeons.

Regarded in some texts as the "eighth kingdom above the hebdomas". It is the realm of the Demiurgos (or sometimes that is the 7th, with the eighth being that of Sabaoth), as well as usually being the realm of the zodiac (dodecon). Sometimes it is also seen as the beginning of freedom from the Archons, and the beginning of connection to the Aeons. Pythagoris says... "The ogdoad--8--was sacred because it was the number of the first cube, which form had eight corners, and was the only evenly-even number under 10 (1-2-4-8-4-2-1). Thus, the 8 is divided into two 4's, each 4 is divided into two 2"s, and each 2 is divided into two 1's, thereby reestablishing the monad. Among the keywords of the ogdoad are love, counsel, prudence, law, and convenience. Among the divinities partaking of its nature were Panarmonia, Rhea, Cibele, Cadmæa, Dindymene, Orcia, Neptune, Themis, and Euterpe (a Muse)". (Thomas Taylor's Theoretic Arithmetic, Thought by one source to be the rarest and most important compilation of Pythagorean mathematical fragments extant.)"... the Ogdoad, which is the eighth, and that we might receive that place of salvation". ("The Testimony of Truth". See also; "A Valentinian Exposition".) The Sacred ogdoad according to some sources is

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