Glossary Gnosticism / Term

Paraclete; Parakleiton

(puraclete) "Comforter" or one who pleads a case for another. This word is sometimes used for the Holy Spirit or for the Logos. (See "1st Book of Jeu") "The followers of Valentinus say that Jesus is the Paraclete, because he has come full of the Aeons, having come forth from the whole. For Christ left behind Sophia, who had put him forth, and going into the Pleroma, asked for help for Sophia, who was left outside; and Jesus was put forth by the good will of the Aeons as a Paraclete for the Aeon which had passed. There are twelve elements associated with Jesus as the paraclete. Paracletus (Comforter) and Pistis (Faith), Patricas (Paternal) and Elpis (Hope), Metricos (Maternal) and Agape (Love), Ainos (Praise) and Synesis (Intelligence), Ecclesiasticus (Son of Ecclesia) and Macariotes (Blessedness) Theletus (Perfect) and Sophia (Wisdom). In the type of the Paraclete, Paul became the Apostle of the Resurrection". (Theodotus, source; Dr. Andrew Criddle.)

Permanent link Paraclete; Parakleiton - Creation date 2022-03-06

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