Glossary Gnosticism / Term


(582 B.C.- 496 B.C.) Greek mathematician and philosopher, known best for the Pythagorean Theorem. Known to have had a profound effect on Gnostic students of philosophy. Specified the monad as the first thing in existence. Pythagorean theories of the Monad, compared by Fung Yu-Lan author of "The History of Chinese Philosophy", Vol. 2, Princeton, 1953, show the use of the Pythagorean tetraktys of the decad, and the Tai Chi are similar. The sequence of the Tai Chi, the Pythagorean tetraktys, and the Sethian Monadology seem to be based upon the sequence of the creation myth in the Pleroma, and the application of the sequence to human action in the Logos, or kenoma. (See Craftsman. See also; "The Table of Ten Numbers.

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