Glossary Multimedia / Term


Separate with no interaction between elements. Discrete is used in audio primarily to describe audio channels in digital audio formats. Digital surround sound systems use “discrete” channels meaning that each channel is completely individual and separated from the others. The channels do not interact or derive information from one another but work individually. he players on a basketball team would be considered discrete, like five discrete channels of audio. They work together to win the game, as the audio channels work together to form a complete audio environment, but each is an individual. The players would not be discrete if they were all connected by a short rope and where one player ran the others had to go also. In this non-discrete method of play, the team would be much less effective. Discrete information plays an important part in emerging digital sound technologies and brings a new level of realism and accomplishment to the realm of audio/video.

Permanent link Discrete - Creation date 2021-01-07

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