Glossary Multimedia / Term

Distribution Amplifier

An amplifier used to boost a low-level signal travelling over a long distance. In cases where interconnect cables for audio or video travel over long distances, the signal can begin to degrade and become too weak. In order to prevent this, a distribution amplifier is used. he amplifier takes in the signal after it has traveled some distance and amplifies it or makes it larger then sends it on. In this way the signal can go for very long distances being reinforced when it begins to weaken. istribution amplifiers are small and create a small amplification when compared to amplifiers used to drive loudspeakers. The distribution amps work on low-level signals that are fairly weak in strength and designed to transfer signal information between components. These amplifiers are used mainly in custom installations where wire is run over long stretches for a whole-house audio and/or video system.

Permanent link Distribution Amplifier - Creation date 2021-01-07

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