Glossary Multimedia / Term

Dynamic Range

Difference between the highest and lowest sound levels a sound system reproduces; also the difference between the overload level (the highest possible output) and the noise floor (point where output is at a minimum – if output goes lower it is obscured by distortions or noise making it unusable). ynamic range is measured in decibels (dB) with a higher number being better. The higher the dynamic range the more a particular audio component can output undistorted sound from a low level to a high level. hink of dynamic range as the speed of a car, the more power the engine has (a better system) the faster the car can go (to a certain level). A car with a small engine would have low dynamic range – it could not move very quickly or powerfully. A car with a large engine (a superior system), however, could move quickly and powerfully having a high dynamic range. To reproduce loud, sudden sounds a system must have a good dynamic range.

Permanent link Dynamic Range - Creation date 2021-01-07

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