Glossary Multimedia / Term


One-half of a complete video frame, consisting of every other analogue scan line.

Each specific piece of information, for a video signal, a set of lines produced in one sweep down the screen; for interlaced video, it takes two such fields to make a frame (complete image).

Half of an interlaced video frame containing either all the odd or all the even numbered horizontal lines. The frame is the entire image consisting of two fields. An interlaced image such as the NTSC analog television standard draws all the odd lines of an image followed by all the even lines of an image (first drawing lines 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on then coming back to draw lines 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on). A field consists of all the odd or even lines that combine to create a complete image.

Permanent link Field - Modification date 2021-08-03 - Creation date 2020-03-22

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