Glossary Multimedia / Term

Graphic Equalizer

Form of equalizer (device used to adjust or change a signal’s frequency response typically by changing its amplitude) using multiple previously set, fixed frequency bands to adjust the amplitude of the waveform at those specific frequencies. The center frequencies used and bandwidth affected by equalization are not changeable, allowing a user only to adjust the amplitude (thereby adjusting the sound level of the waveform at the set frequencies over their set bands). Graphic equalizers typically have multiple adjustable settings covering from one full octave to one third of an octave. They are used to achieve a flatter frequency response from a given audio system in a given acoustic space. A graphic equalizer contrasts to a parametric equalizer, which is much more flexible, by allowing the user to adjust the amplitude of a signal at a center frequency and affected frequency band chosen by the user.

Permanent link Graphic Equalizer - Creation date 2021-01-07

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