Glossary Multimedia / Term

MD (Minidisc)

Small digital disc format that uses perceptual coding techniques to store over an hour of CD quality sound on a two and a half inch disc contained in a square, plastic case. Minidisc, unlike traditional CD, is a recordable format (although there are now recordable CDs). While CDs hold an audio signal in its entirety, Minidisc eliminates portions of the signal that human hearing does not perceive (the concept behind perceptual coding). inidisc is a high-quality audio storage format. It has been more popular than digital audiotape, but Minidiscs have never caught on with the general public to the same degree as the CD. For recording digital music, MD is a versatile format. It offers many of the advantages of CDs with the recordability of tapes. he primary disadvantage of the MD format is its lack of content. There are virtually no pre-recorded music discs unlike CDs. Therefore, MD is primarily a recording or dubbing format, and with recordable CDs and DVDs the virtue of recordability is less important.

Permanent link MD (Minidisc) - Creation date 2021-01-07

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