Glossary Summer Olympic Games / Term


(Archery) Archery has been an Olympic event since 1900, with some interruptions.
Olympic Archery follows the Occidental archery using modern materials, and compound bows.

Olympic archery events take place outside in four categories:

individual men's and women events,

team men's and women's event.

The archery competitions score the competitors' accuracy. The archers take turns shooting arrows at a fixed target 70 meters away with ten concentric rings, each 12cm in diameter, coloured 2 each white, black, blue, red and yellow. An arrow that lands in the outermost white ring is awarded one point, the next smaller white ring two points, and so on up to ten points for the innermost yellow ring. An arrow that misses the rings completely is not awarded any points.

Permanent link Archery - Modification date 2020-01-23 - Creation date 2020-01-23

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