Glossary Visual Basic / Term

OLE terms

OLE terms

ActiveX has brought several new terms to Visual Basic programming, some of which replace terms you may have used in connection with OLE. Each of the new terms is defined in this glossary. The following table lists the OLE terms, and connects them with the ActiveX terms that may be replacing them. Please see the listing under ActiveX for a list of ActiveX terms and their OLE equivalents:

Old OLE termew ActiveX term

custom controlctiveX control

OLE Automationutomation

OLE Automation serverctiveX code component

OLE ComponentctiveX code component

OLE controlctiveX control

OLE serverctiveX code component

In general, OLE terms related to drag and drop functionality remain the same. The following OLE terms do not change:

•mpound document

•ject linking and embedding

•E container control

•E drag and drop

•E object (for an object that can be linked and/or embedded)

•mote Automation

Permanent link OLE terms - Creation date 2020-06-07

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